
2013년 4월 23일 화요일

4/23 Hamheung-naengmyeon

* treat: 특별한 것, 기쁨을 주는 것
* taste buds dance: 입맛이 춤추다
ex> The cake made her taste buds dance.

* starch noodle: 녹말면, 당면
* raw: 날것의
I enjoy raw foods like hoe and steak tartare.

* skate: 홍어
* mustard: 겨자
* shredded: 채를 썬
* authentic  [ɔ:|θentɪk] : 진짜의, 진품인
ex> Is that an authentic Chanel dress?

* delectably: 맛있게, 즐겁게
* marinated skate: 양념된 홍어
* fire factor: 매운 요인
* simmer: 끓이다, 고다  ex> Simmer the sauce gently for 10 minutes.
* for hours on end: 몇 시간 동안 계속
ex> I've been worrying for hours on end.

@ That's very inappropriate.  그건 좀 부적절하네.

1. Do you like raw fish?
2. Let me adjust your tie.
3. I think it's an authentic piece of artwork by Picasso.
4. I can watch TV for hours on end.

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