
2013년 4월 5일 금요일

Day of Trees in South Korea

Day of Trees in South Korea 
By Ekaterina Zhdanova-Redman

  Do you like trees? Are there many of them where you live? Maybe there's a forest near your house, and you like going there to play? Or maybe you go camping with your parents or friends out in the woods. Perhaps your parents or grandparents have a garden. Have you ever helped them plant anything? People in South Korea think it is very important to plant trees. In this story you will learn why.
  South Korea always had lots of trees and forests, but for centuries trees were used as firewood and building material. Throughout its history, South Korea had also many wars during which many forests were destroyed. So, in the twentieth century, there weren't many trees left in South Korea.
  You probably know how important trees are and how dangerous it can be not to have them. Forests provide shelter for many animals, create an environment for other plants to grow, and most importantly, are a source of oxygen for the air we breathe. Forests are especially important in South Korea. Forests there are home to some very rare, endangered animals, like the Amur leopard, Asiatic black bear, and Siberian tiger.
  So, around 1970, people in South Korea decided to revive their land and plant trees. The South Korean government made forest protection one of its priorities. Children in schools are taught to take care of trees and plants. There are many books written for them about the importance of trees and forests.
  There is even a special holiday in South Korea. It is celebrated in April and is called the Day of Trees. On that day many South Koreans--including schoolchildren--remember how important trees are. They go out and plant hundreds and hundreds of trees. They also know that by planting trees in their own country, they help the environment in the whole world.
  When South Korea started its programs of planting the trees, the country was very poor and had many other important problems to deal with. Despite that, Koreans worked very hard to reforest their country. Today, new forests cover more than three-fourths of South Korean territory. South Korea also assists other countries, like China, in restoring their forests to help the environment.
  South Korea is not the only country that sets aside a day for planting trees. There is a tree-planting day in the United States. It is called the national Arbor Day and is celebrated on the last Friday in April. It has been celebrated for more than a hundred years! It has also inspired people in Canada, Europe, Australia, and Japan to celebrate an arbor day in their countries.

* Arbor day is not a holiday any more in Korea. 

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