
2013년 4월 16일 화요일

PE 4/15 Bowling Night

1. crash and burn: 망치다, 피로하여 쓰러지다
ex> If you don't rest and eat regularly, you are going to crash and burn.
ex> I'm very crash and burn.

2. string ~ up: (informal) to kill somebody by hanging them, esp illegally~을 목 졸라 죽이다
ex> If I don't propose to my girlfriend soon, she is going to string me up.
ex> They'll string him up if they catch him.

3. a glory hound: 승리욕이 강한 사람, 동료를 희생하여 영광을 좇는 사람
ex> All you talk about is your promotion. When did you become a glory hound?

* gutter ball: 거터 볼, 레인 밖으로 나가는 공
* the top three: 3위권 내
* throw a game/match: to loose a game on purpose

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