
2013년 4월 8일 월요일

4/8 Pet Registration System

* strip: 번화가
* abandoned dog: 유기견
* in an effort to: ~하려는 노력으로

* stray: 길을 잃은, 빗나간, 벗어난
ex> Unfortunately, she was hit by a stray bullet.
ex> Let me give you some stray thoughts on this matter.
cf> stray thoughts: 단상(斷想)

* compulsory: 의무적인, 강제적인
ex> As you know, Korea has compulsory military service for all male citizens.
ex> Did you know high school is not compulsory in Korea?

* implement [|ɪmplɪment]: 시행하다 to implement changes/decisions/policies/reforms
* designated: 지정된

* embed: 끼워 넣다, 박아 넣다, 심다
ex> You ball is embedded in the sand
ex> A piece of glass was embedded in his left hand.

* collar: 목줄, 깃, 목덜미
* dog tag: 동물 인식표

@ I have to take my dog to the groomer.  나 우리 개 미용하러 가야 해.

1. Her dad urged her to keep trying.
2. She thinks that voting should be compulsory.
3. There are designated seats for pregnant women and the elderly.
4. English education is a must for them, not an option.

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