
2013년 4월 27일 토요일

4/26 Yi Sun-shin

* admiral: 해군 장성, 제독
* naval commander [|neɪvl]: 해군 사령관
* respected: 높이 평가되는, 훌륭한
* greatest accomplishment: 최고의 업적
ex> Winning the Olympic medal was his greatest accomplishment.

* devise: 고안하다, 창안하다
* fleet: 함대
ex> The English fleet was defeated by the Spanish fleet.

* remarkable: 놀랄 만한, 놀라운 (=extraordinary, notable)
ex> What a remarkable sight!
ex> a remarkable achievement/career/talent

* outnumber: 수적으로 우세하다 (be outnumbered: 열세하다)
ex> The demonstrators were heavily outnumbered by the police.

* formal training  [|fɔ:rml]: 정규 훈련, 정식 교육  cf> former [|fɔ:rmə(r)]
ex> I have formal training in ballet.

* outsupplied: 보급량이 열세한
* undefeated: 무패의, 진 적이 없는
ex> Our team is undefeated so far this season.
ex> the undefeated world champion.

@ She's solo. (wrong)   She's single. (right!)

1. Our team has five victories so far.
2. Her family is her greatest accomplishment.
3. That's a remarkable picture.
4. He had no formal training.

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