
2013년 4월 12일 금요일

PE 4/12 Mixed Weight Couples

1. on thin ice: be in a risky or dangerous situation,  살얼음을 밟고 있는, 위험한 상태인
ex> I am on thin ice with my supervisor. I can't afford to make any more mistakes.
ex> If you try that, you'll be on thin ice. That's too risky.

2. an ugly duckling: a person or thing that at first does not seem attractive or likely to succeed but that later becomes successful or much admired,  미운 오리 새끼
ex> I never thought such an ugly duckling could grow into such a lovely person.
ex> He's got the looks of a film star now, but he was a real ugly duckling as a child.

3. in a nutshell: 짧게 말하자면, 간단히 말해서
ex> We don't have much time, give me the story in a nutshell.

* strain: 압력, 압박
* struggle: 허우적거리다, 애쓰다

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