
2013년 4월 2일 화요일

4/2 Benefits of Breastfeeding

* breastfeed: 모유를 먹이다

* well beyond: 훨씬 넘어선
ex> I think I am well beyond anger.
ex> We are well beyond the due date of the project.

* be packed with: ~로 가득차다
ex> My day has been packed with non-stop stress!

* disease-fighting: 질병을 퇴치하는
* susceptible: 영향을 받기 쉬운, 감염되지 쉬운, 민감한
ex> The patient is weak and susceptible to an infection.

* infant formula: 유아용 분유
* nurse a child: 아이에게 젖을 먹이다
* calming effect: 진정 효과
ex> Having a dog has a calming effect on me.

@ I'm taking the high road.  나는 순탄하게 살 거야.

1. We are well beyond the mid-way of the hike.
2. How can the small room be so packed with people?
3. I have a numerous array of perfumes at home.
4. The ocean village was susceptible to the tsunami

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