
2013년 4월 26일 금요일

4/25 Malaria

* irritating: 화나는, 거슬리는, 짜증나는  = annoying, bothersome
ex> Her voice was high and irritating.
ex> That noise is really irritating me.

* critter: (slang) a living creature, 생물  ex> wild critters
* carrier [|kӕriə(r)]: 보균자
* culprit: 범인
ex> The police quickly identified the real culprits.
ex> Who is the culprit that stole my cake?

* saliva  [sə|laɪvə]: 침, 타액  ex> spit saliva
* anemia [əní:miə] : 빈혈
* fatal: 치명적인 = deadly
ex> Obesity can be fatal.

* diagnose: 진단하다
* promptly: 신속히, 정확히
* high-risk: 고위험의
* take precautions: 예방 조치를 하다
ex> We have to take precautions no to get sick.

* sub-tropical: 아열대의
* twofold: 1) 두 부분으로 된, 이중적인, 2) 두 배의
ex> The problem was twofold.  a twofold increase in demand

@ Don't freak out.  기겁하지 마.

1. Those kids are irritating me.
2. Try not to infect the area.
3. The culprit who stole my money is in jail.
4. How do you heal a broken toe?

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