
2013년 4월 17일 수요일

4/17 Cheongdo Bullfighting Festival

* bullfighting [|bʊlfaɪt] : 소싸움, 투우
* picture: 상상하다, 그려 보다

* do-or-die: 죽기 살기의, 죽음을 각오한
ex> this is a do-or-die situation.
ex> They tried to stop the invaders with a do-or-die attitude.

* ferocious [fə|roʊʃəs]: 사나운, 맹렬한  ex> a ferocious beast/attack/storm

* nothing like: not; not all like something; 전혀 ~같지 않은
ex> she is nothing like her mother.
ex> I had nothing like enough time to answer all the questions.

* gore: 유혈장면, 섬뜩함
* matador [|mӕtədɔ:(r)]: the person in a bullfight who is supposed to kill the bull; 투우사
* cape [keɪp]: 망토 (cloak)

* clash: 충돌하다, 격돌하다 (difference of opinion, dissent, dispute)
ex> Real Madrid and Barcelona clash again this Sunday.
ex> The Dodgers will clash with the Giants tomorrow.

* arena: 경기장, 공연장
* duke it out: to fight with sb using your hands tightly closed; 끝까지 싸우다, 겨루다
ex> Samsung and Apple continue to duke it out over patents.
ex> They decided to duke it out in the alley.

* head: 가다, 향하다

@ It's a small world.  세상 참 좁구나.

1. This looks nothing like a dog.
2. Protesters and riot police clashed in front of the City Hall.
3. A lot of spectators came to see two boxers duke it out.
4. Why don't you check out my blog?

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