
2015년 9월 1일 화요일

9/1 New Semester

Talk about when school semesters start and end in Korea.

Schools have two semesters in Korea. The new school year starts in March. It's the same for all schools. Elementary, middle, and high schools all start their new semesters in March. College students also start their new school year in the same month. The spring semester lasts until mid-July for grade school and late-June for college. The summer break starts in July and ends at the end of August. Winter and summer breaks are pretty much the same length. The fall semester starts in September at all schools. It's called the second semester in Korea. It lasts until December for college and January for grade school.

@ Speaking Tips>> summer break vs. winter break
vacation이라는 단어는 보통 '휴가, 방학'이라는 뜻으로 사용된다. 북미권에서는 '방학'의 의미로 break를 더 많이 사용하는 경향이 있다.

@ We kick off a new semester today오늘 새 학기가 시작됐어.

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