
2015년 9월 7일 월요일

9/7 Tourism Industry

Talk about the tourism industry.

The tourism industry is booming. More than 1 billion people travel overseas every year. Tourism brings in a lot of money. Tourists spend money on plane tickets, hotels, and shopping. This creates a lot of jobs as well. Many new jobs are created in tourism-related fields. The money tourists spend boosts the local economy. Some countries make a lot of money through tourism. For instance, France gets the highest number of tourists worldwide. Close to 80 million people visit other countries for their vacations. The revenue made from tourism is beyond our expectation. Korea also tries to attract more tourists by promoting tourist attractions within the country.

@ Speaking Tips: attract tourists vs. tourist attraction
관광객을 유치하다 vs. 관광 명소
영어에서 '관광 명소'를 언급할 때 쓰는 단어가 바로 tourist attraction이다. 장소를 일컫는 말로 사용된다. 관광객을 유치한다는 의미로 사용되는 말은 attract tourists이다.

@ It's a well-known vacation spot. 그곳은 유명한 휴가지야.

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