
2015년 9월 14일 월요일

9/14 getting Carsick

Talk about a time when you got carsick.

I used to get carsick very easily when I was a kid. My mom used to put behind-the-ear patches on me when we went on a car trip. As a grown-up, I don't get carsick that easily. However, I remember a time when I got carsick when I was going on a trip a few years ago. We were stuck in some traffic. My friend and I were messaging each other back and forth on our cell phones. After a while, I started to feel a bit dizzy and my stomach felt uneasy. I felt like throwing up. It was quite an unpleasant feeling. I felt a bit better after I rolled down the windows and got some fresh air.

@ Speaking Tips: roll down the window vs. roll up the window
차량 창문을 내리다 vs. 차량 창문을 올리다
차량 창문을 열고 닫는다는 말을 할 때 open 혹은 close 동사를 잘 사용하지 않는다. 그보다는 roll up roll down을 더 많이 사용한다. 이는 예전에 차량 창문을 열고 닫기 위해 손잡이를 돌리던 시절에서 유래된 표현이다.

@ My dog threw up in the car내 개가 차에 토했어.

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