
2015년 9월 4일 금요일

PE 9/3 Kid-Friendly Denmark

* be in luck: to get one’s wish; benefit from a fortunate situation
ex> Maybe we’ll be in luck and they’ll release some more tickets before the concert.

* on the radar: to be noticed, planned for, or considered important
ex> Dale Bannerman was on our radar for months before we were able to hire him.
ex> Disneyland is on the radar, but we can’t go there until there’s a school break.
Note> Radar is an acronym, which is a word formed from the initial letters in a series of words. The term radar is an abbreviation for a 1940 US Navy invention called Radio Detection And Ranging.

* hankering: a strong and restless desire
ex> We had a hankering to ride the big roller coaster again before the season ended.

* itinerary: a detailed plan for a journey
ex> Please email me a detailed itinerary for your business trip before Thursday.

* shape up: to become more developed; get better
ex> Our team’s performance has been shaping up ever since the new coach took over.
ex> How are negotiations with our new clients in Taipei shaping up?

* hail from: to be from a place
ex> Barry hails from northern Vermont, where his family ran a maple farm for many generations.
ex> My five closest friends each hail from a different country.
Note> To hail means to greet someone from across a distance, like from one ship to another, which is where the term hail from was first used.

* give one’s right arm: It seems like English speakers are constantly offering their body parts or their future children in exchange for something they really want! Among the items you might here after, “I’d give my…” are right arm, left arm, right eye, right hand, eyeteeth, first born child, and many more. Don’t worry: it’s just an expression!
ex> I’d give my right arm to see them perform!

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