
2015년 9월 22일 화요일

9/21 Being Athletic

Do you think you are athletic?

Both my parents are very athletic. My dad was on a soccer team when he was in school. My mom used to swim competitively in high school. They now enjoy playing badminton and golf from time to time. I am quite athletic myself. I think I got it from my parents. I am a fast learner when it comes to sports. I've tried various types of sports in my life including tennis, bowling, and squash. I'm taking yoga classes these days as well. Yoga helps me become more flexible. Overall, I'm glad I am a person who enjoys sports. I think I can stay healthier because I am like this.

@ Speaking Tips: fast learner vs. slow learner
빨리 배우는 사람 vs. 늦게 배우는 사람
무엇인가를 빨리 배우는 사람을 fast learner라고 한다. 반면, 배우는 시간이 오래 걸리는 사람을 slow learner라고 부른다.

@ Some people are born with the genes. 어떤 사람들은 그냥 타고나잖아.

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