
2015년 9월 23일 수요일

9/23 Studio Apartment

Talk about a studio apartment you used to live in.

I used to live in studio when I was in college. Because my family lived far from my school, I had to move out and live by myself. Many of my classmates lived in similar studios like that. The studio I used to live in was just the right size for me. It wasn't that big, but it had everything I needed including a bathroom with a shower booth. In fact, it was a partly-furnished studio. Things like the washer and the fridge were built into the walls. I had to buy my own desk and bed among other things. I paid a monthly rent while I was living there.

@ Speaking Tips: partly-furnished vs. fully-furnished
가구가 일부 갖춰진 vs. 가구가 완비된
partly-furnished는 부분적으로 가구가 갖추어져 있다는 말이고, fully-furnished는 가구가 완전히 다 갖추어져 있다는 말이다. 한편, 가구가 하나도 없는 경우, non-furnished라고 한다.

@ Were they fully-furnished가구가 완비된 곳들이었어?

* the washer: 세탁기  ex> built-in-washer: 붙박이 세탁기
* the fridge: 냉장고
* freezer: 냉동실

* the air: 에어콘

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