
2015년 9월 9일 수요일

9/8 Tourists

Talk about the tourists who visit Korea.

Over 10 million foreigners visit Korea every year. The majority of them are tourists. The number of tourists coming to Korea is on the steady rise. This is partly due to the spread of the Korean pop-culture wave, Hallyu. Many fans of Korean pop-culture in neighboring countries visit Korea to see Korea with their own eyes. In fact, roughly 70 percent of the tourists are from China and Japan. Chinese tourists take up the biggest chunk of people who visit Korea. As a result, many signs are written in Chinese at tourist attractions. The tourism industry is investing a lot of money to make Korea more tourist-friendly.

@ Speaking Tips: be on the rise  증가세에 있다
'증가세에 있다'라는 말을 할 때 흔히 사용하는 표현이 be on rise이다. 그 증가세가 꾸준하거나 급격하다는 언급은 steady sharp 형용사를 써서 할 수 있다.

@ Do you need any help? 도움이 필요하세요?

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