
2015년 9월 22일 화요일

9/22 Glasses & Contacts

Talk about your contacts or glasses.

I have pretty bad eyesight. My eyesight was pretty bad from when I was young. It got worse in my teenage years. I needed to get higher prescription for my contacts as my vision worsened. Now, I can't see at all without my contacts. I use disposable contact lenses that are very convenient. When I come home, I take out my contacts and wear glasses. I need to give my eyes some rest. A lot of people around me have gotten vision enhancement surgery. I'm thinking of getting LASIK or implantable contact lenses myself in the future. I can't wait to get 20/20 vision.

@ Speaking Tips: 20/20 vision
좋은 시력, 교정 시력 1.0
영어에서 1.0의 좋은 시력을 의미하는 표현은 20/20 vision이다. 20피트의 거리에서 보여야 할 것이 20피트 거리에서 정상적으로 보인다는 의미에서 유래된 표현이다.

@ My eyes get dry very easily난 눈이 정말 쉽게 건조해져.

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