
2015년 9월 3일 목요일

9/3 The Role of Coffee Shops

Talk about how coffee shops have changed in Korea.

Coffee shops have changed a lot over the years. They are not simply places where people have drinks anymore. First, most coffee shops these days sell snacks such as bagels, sandwiches, or cake. Many places sell various flavors of ice-cream or Korean shaved ice dessert with sweet toppings called bingsoo. Many people go to coffee places to grab a bite or to get refreshments like these. Plus, many students study for test, have group study sessions, or engage in team projects at coffee places. Since some coffee shops are open 24/7, they are great spots to study at. Some people have work-related meetings or even blind dates there as well. Of course, many people just drop by at coffee shops to get coffee to go. Overall, coffee shops have become a multi-purpose venue for various activities.

@ Speaking Tips: over the years
지난 수년에 걸쳐서
시간 경과를 나타내는 표현인 over the years는 현재 완료 시제와 같이 쓰여서 변화 과정을 나타내는 데 유용하게 사용된다.

@ Let's just kill some time at a coffee shop커피숍에서 시간 좀 때우자.

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