
2015년 9월 28일 월요일

9/28 Traditional Markets

Describe a traditional Korean market.

There are many traditional Korean markets in Korea. There are tons of vendors selling all kinds of stuff. You can practically find everything at these places. You name it, they have it. You will see a lot of vendors selling produce, seafood, health products, clothes, and miscellaneous items there. Street food is another thing you can get at these markets. You can also see a lot of vendors who sell all sorts of street food. Shoppers stop by to grab a bite while they are shopping. When you go to these markets, you can experience the hustle and bustle of the marketplace.

@ Speaking Tips: the hustle and bustle
북적거림, 웅성거림
시장과 같이 사람들이 많이 모이는 장소의 분위기를 묘사할 때 매우 유용한 표현이 the hustle and bustle이다. 사람들이 북적거리는 상황을 묘사하는 말이다.

@ I'm not good at haggling for prices난 가격 흥정을 잘 못해.

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