
2015년 9월 9일 수요일

PE 9/8 Reid Hoffman – Babson College Commencement Speech

* notion: concept; idea
ex> My dad had the notion that we should buy a small farm and move out of the city.

* jungle gym: an elaborate piece of playground equipment designed for a range of activities
ex> My sister and I would play on the school’s jungle gym until it was almost too dark to see.

* one’s own turf: personal territory, jurisdiction, specialization
ex> My marketing class taught me that if you want to succeed, you have to carve out your own turf.
Note> Turf refers to a small section of grass and the soil that holds its roots together. There are turf farms where lawns are grown, cut into strips, and rolled up to be transported to where they will be installed.

* commit oneself: to dedicate oneself to a certain course of action
ex> Jerry has committed himself to getting fit, so he goes running every morning and evening.

* work one’s way up: to advance gradually through effort
ex> My uncle worked his way up from laborer to vice president in less than twenty years.

* entrepreneur: a person who organizes or operates a business
ex> I never saw myself as an entrepreneur until my business won an award.
Note> If entrepreneur seems like a French word, you’re right! It was actually introduced to the English language twice: first in the 15th century, when it failed to gain popularity, and again four hundred years later when it meant a manager or promoter, especially of a theater.

* sideways: The word sideways can describe physical or metaphorical motion that is on one level. It is also used to describe motion that to the side (i.e. not forwards or backwards), like the way a crab moves. And when someone says that something has gone sideways, it usually means that it has gone badly.
ex> It was more of a sideways move, but I really like the people and the company’s ethics.

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