
2015년 9월 4일 금요일

9/4 Memorable Social Networking Postings

Talk about memorable postings you saw on social networking sites recently.

I remember one of my friends posting a picture of her newly-born baby recently. Her baby was adorable. I also remember people posting pictures of their pets. They catch amusing moments on camera and share it with other people. I also remember people posting pictures of food they were having. Koreans are very fond of posting pictures of food at restaurants. Next, I see a lot of funny video clips on Facebook these days. I remember seeing a video of two Filipino divers making a terrible mistake in a competition recently. The clip was hilarious and it went rival. I reposted it on my page because it was so funny. It got more than 20 million hits and got tons of LIKEs.

@ Speaking Tips: get hits vs. get LIKEs
조회수를 기록하다 vs. '좋아요'를 받다
SNS에서 많이 언급하게 되는 것이 게시물의 조회수와 '좋아요' 횟수이다. 사람들이 얼마나 클릭을 해서 봤는지를 가늠하는 척도가 되는 것이 이 두 가지이다.

@ I left a comment on the picture나 그 사진에 댓글 달았어.

* it make me so crack up
ex> You and your jokes really crack me up

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