
2015년 9월 30일 수요일

9/30 Car Insurance

Talk about the car insurance you have.

It is required by law to have car insurance in Korea. I have comprehensive collision coverage on my insurance plan. The insurance company pays if my car was in an accident and need repairs. I also have full liability coverage. It covers both injuries and property damage. Most car insurance policies in Korea are like that. I have to renew my car insurance every year. The insurance fee varies from person to person. It depends on how old you are and how long you had car insurance. Plus, the fee goes up if you had accidents and goes down if you didn't have any accidents.

* comprehensive collision coverage: 자차 보험
* be in an accident: 사고 나다
* full liability coverage: 대물/대인 보험
* insurance fee: 보험료,, cf> insurance money: 보험금 (받는 돈)

@ Speaking Tips: vary from person to person
사람마다 다르다
사람마다 다르다는 말을 할 때 vary from person to person이라고 하면 된다. 또한 나라마다 다르다고 할 때는 country를 넣어 vary from country to country라고 하면 된다.

@ The insurance company covered the costs보험사가 비용을 대 줬어.

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