
2013년 7월 1일 월요일

6/28 Chuncheon Dakgalbi and Makguksu

Dakgalbi and Makguksu are two culinary specialties of Chuncheon, Gangwondo.
* culinary[|kʌlɪneri]: 요리의, 음식의
ex> He has a large collection of culinary books.
ex> She was keen to acquire more advanced culinary skills.

Dakgalbi is made with chopped chicken, special hot sauce, various vegetable, and rice cake
* chop: 자르다, 잘게 썰다
ex> The carrots are chopped and ready to go.
* rice cake: 떡

Restaurants cook it over a flame in front of patrons.
* patron [|peɪtrən]: 고객, 손님, 후원자
ex> Those people aren’t waiters, they’re patrons!
ex> Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists.
* cook sth over a flame: ~을 불에 올려 요리하다
ex> cook over a low heat/fire

Staff will usually tend to the heat to prevent scorching.
* tend: ~을 주의하다, ~에 신경을 쓰다, 돌보다
ex> Always tend to the fire when you are camping.
ex> Doctors and nurses tended the injured.
ex> Ambulance crews were tending to the injured.
* scorch: (불에) 그슬리다, 태우다
ex> I scorched my dress when I was ironing it.

If you like spiciness, this dish will have you hooked!
* have someone hooked: ~을 푹 빠지게 하다, 대단히 즐기다
ex> This mystery novel is so exciting it will have you hooked!

Makguksu is a concoction of buckwheat noodles, vegetables, and spices.
* concoction: 혼합물, 혼합, 조합
ex> The cocktail is a concoction of gin, bitters, and marinated cucumber.
buckwheat: 메밀

The flavor is a unique of nuttiness and spice, complemented by the sweet and sour broth.
* nuttiness: 고소함, 견과 같음
* complement: 보완하다, 덧붙이다
* sweet and sour: 새콤 달콤한

I have a food coma식곤증이 왔어.

1. The culinary shows are quite popular.
2. Have you chopped the boiled eggs yet?
3. The restaurant’s patrons are mostly young and trendy.
4. She made me drink a concoction of tomato juice and Tabasco.

Talk about Chuncheon Dakgalbi and Makguksu.
Dakgalbi and Makguksu are two culinary specialties of Chuncheon, Gangwondo.
Dakgalbi is a stir-fried spicy chicken dish and Makguksu is a cold noodle dish.
Dakgalbi is made with chopped chicken, special hot sauce, various vegetable, and rice cakes.
Restaurants cook it over a flame in front of patrons.
Staff will usually tend to the heat to prevent scorching.
Chuncheon Dakgalbi is charcoal grilled or pan fried.
If you like spiciness, this dish will have you hooked!
Makguksu is a concoction of buckwheat noodles, vegetables, spices, and a chilled broth.
The flavor is a unique of nuttiness and spice, complemented by the sweet and sour broth.

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