Everyone feels under the weather once in a while.
* under the weather: 몸이 안좋은, 기분이 안 좋은
ex> I'm feeling a little under the weather.
cf> 숙취를 겪거나 술에 취한
ex> A lot of innocent people die because of drivers who are under the weather.
ex> She is just a tad under the weather.
Did you ever imagine that you might be sick because of where you live or work?
* imagine: 상상하다, 생각하다
ex> Did she ever imagine this would happen?
Sick building syndrome is a condition where people fall ill because of exposure to harmful chemical toxins.
* fall ill: 병에 걸리다
ex> They will fall ill if we don't help him.
If you suffer from these, don't rule out the possibility of sick building syndrome
* rule out: 제외하다, 배제하다
ex> I'm not going to rule out the possibility.
If not treated, it could turn into a full-blown illness.
* full-blown: 완전한, 충분히 발달한, 본격적인
ex> The disagreement turned into a full-blown fight.
ex> The border dispute turned into a full-blown crisis.
@ Just give it a deep thought. 심사 숙고해 봐.
1. She looks a bit under the weather.
2. Did you ever imagine she would do it?
3. Don't rule out my opinion.
4. This has turned into a full-blown disaster.
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