One perk
of shopping at discount stores is that you can sample some of the foods.
* perk: 특전, 묘미, 별도의 혜택
* sample: 맛을 보다
ex> I was killing time by sampling
foods at the discount store.
There are sampling booths all throughout the store. Staff members prepare bite-sized
pieces of food.
ex> They offered bite-sized pieces
of bread for sampling.
Customers use toothpicks to try different types of food. Sometimes, beverages are given out in little cups.
* give out: (무료로)
나누어 주다
ex> They were giving out
leaflets on the street.
The samples include meat, processed foods, dumplings, cheese, cookies, and even wine. For popular items,
customers line up to get a piece.
* line up: 줄을 서다
ex> The pictures were lined up
against the wall.
This sampling service is a very effective marketing tactic.
* marketing tactic: 마케팅 전술
ex> We need to come up with more
effective marketing tactics.
Many people end up buying products they didn't plan to buy in the first place. This is especially
true for people who are hungry.
@ They look very
appetizing. 굉장히
맛있어 보여.
1. I like to sample foods at the discount store.
2. Staff member gave out pamphlets.
3. We had to line up to buy tickets.
4. It was a great marketing tactic.
@ Related Topics>> Sampling
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