
2013년 7월 2일 화요일

7/1 Suncheon Bay Garden Expo 2013

The 2013 Suncheon Garden Expo kicked off in April and lasts until October.
* kick off: 시작되다
ex> Have they kicked off the festivities yet?

This Expo is the first of its kind to be held in Korea.
* first of its kind: 같은 종류의 최초
ex> It was the first event of its kind in over a decade

The Expo is a display of green industry around the globe.
* display: 전시, 전람회
ex> The auction was a great display of the wealthy man’s art collection.

The aim of the expo is to protect the environment in general.
* in general: 일반적으로, 대체로
ex> We have no serious issues with the product in general.

More specifically, to preserve the coastal wetlands of Suncheon.
* specifically: 명확하게, 확실하게
ex> Specifically, the problem with the product is the electric wiring.
* coastal wetlands: 연안 습지

And arguably, the most beautiful.
* arguable: 아마 틀림없이
ex> She arguably has the largest collection of shoes in Korea.
ex> He is arguably the best actor of his generation.

The creators of the event want to publicize their plight.
* publicize [|pʌblɪsaɪz]: 홍보하다, 선전하다, 공표하다
ex> How are we going to publicize this event?
ex> The celebrities don't want to publicize their love affair.
* plight [plaɪt]: 역경, 곤경  ex> The African elephant is in a desperate plight.

@ I’ll cover you. 내가 너 대신 내 줄게.

1. We kicked off the party with cocktails and music.

2. I don’t like eating fish in general.

3. Specifically, I can’t eat raw fish like sashimi.

4. We’re going to publicize the movie at the firm festival.

Talk about 2013 Suncheon Bay Garden Expo.

The 2013 Suncheon Garden Expo kicked off in April and lasts until October.
This Expo is the first of its kind to be held in Korea.
The Expo is a display of green industry around the globe.
New innovations in solar energy, sustainable development, and electronic transportation are showcased.
The aim of the Expo is to protect the environment in general.
More specifically, to preserve the coastal wetlands of Suncheon.
Suncheon has one of the most well-preserved wetlands in the world.
And arguably, the most beautiful.
But this natural jewel is threatened by pollution and industrialization.
The creators of the event want to publicize their plight.

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