
2013년 7월 23일 화요일

7/22 Jaywalking

Most of us have been guilty of jaywalking.
ex> I’ve been guilty of cheating on my girlfriend before.

The next intersection seems miles away.
* mils away: 꽤 멀리 떨어져
ex> The nearest city seemed miles away.
* intersection: 교차로

So you take your chances and run across the street.
* take one's chances: 운에 맡기고 해 보다
ex> You should take your chances and enter the competition.
ex> Take your chances and ask him out!

Crosswalks are there for a reason.
* be there for a reason: 이유가 있어 존재한다.
ex> The stoplight is there for a reason.

Only cross the street at designated areas.
* designated: 지정된  cf> Designated Heater (DH): 지명타자
ex> Please smoke in the designated area.

Getting a ticket for jaywalking is pretty unheard of in Korea.
* unheard of: 들어 본 적이 없는, 전례가 없는
ex> It was unheard of to get a divorce in those days.

But if you’re caught by an officer on a bad day, you could get an earful.
* be caught: 적발되다, 잡히다
* get an earful: 긴 꾸중을 듣다,

Don’t be so careless. 부주의하면안 돼.

1. I'm guilty of overeat during being on a diet. 
2. The criminals knew the police were miles away
3. I'm the designated driver tonight so I can't drink.
4. Don't worry, it's not unheard of.

Talk about jaywalking.
Most of us have been guilty of jaywalking.
There aren’t any cars around, and you’re in a rush.
The next intersection seems miles away.
So you take your chances and run across the street.
But jaywalking isn’t just illegal, it’s dangerous.
Crosswalks are there for a reason.
Only cross the street at designated areas.
Pedestrians and drivers alike should respect the rules of the road.
Getting a ticket for jaywalking is pretty unheard of in Korea.
But if you’re caught by an officer on a bad day, you could get an earful.
Kids look up to us as role-models, and we should set a good example.

One more thing, don’t forget to look both ways!

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