
2013년 7월 12일 금요일

PE 7/11 Philly Cheesesteaks

You must be famished after that long train ride. Wanna grab a burger at Mickey D's?
* famished [|fӕmɪʃt]: 굶주린 = starving
ex> When's lunch? I'm famished!
* Mickey D's: the 'shortened' version of McDonld's, even though you're not saving any syllables

My stomach is growling, but I didn't come all this way for junk! Let's get a cheesesteak at Pat's King of Steaks.
* one's stomach is growling: 배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 나다
ex> Is that your stomach growling or is there a bear in here?

Well, Pat's is okay, but Geno's is definitely the cream of the crop.
* cream of the crop: 최고, 가장 좋은 것, = the best of the best
ex> If you want to be the cream of the crop you are going to have to work harder than this.

What's the dif?
* dif: difference; different; differential
ex> If we leave tonight or tomorrow morning, What's the dif? We'll still need to find a hotel.

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