
2013년 7월 17일 수요일

7/16 The Four Rivers Cross Country Cycling Road

More and more bike lanes are being built across the country.
* across the country: 전국에 걸쳐, 전국적으로
ex> There are more than 7,000 coffee chops across the country.
* bike lane: 자전거 전용도로 = bike path  cf> line

These amazing bike paths actually connect the entire country.
ex> These two high ways do not connect to each other.

As the name suggests, they are constructed near the four major rivers.
* as the name suggests: 이름에서도 알 수 있듯이
ex> As the name suggests, they are from California.

If you combine the entire length of these roads, it’s a staggering 1,757 kilometers.
ex> We need to combine these two departments.
* staggering: 엄청난, 막대한
ex> The results have been quite staggering.

You have the willpower and courage, and of course, a decent bike.
* decent [|di:snt]: 괜찮은, 나쁘지 않은
ex> There is a decent pasta place on the corner of 6th Avenue and 22nd Street.
ex> We will stay in a decent hotel in Manila before boarding the plane to Busan.

You can cycle across Korea and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.
* along the way: 도중에, 가는 중에, 오는 중에
ex> Please contact me if you have questions along the way.

He always goes the extra mile. 그는 언제나 한층 더 노력을 해.
ex> Those who go the extra mile will get rewarded some day.

1. He will jet across the country.
2. As the name suggests, this medicine is for your heart. 
3. The board of directors decided to combine the two companies. 
4. Are there any decent restaurant in this area? 

Talk about the Four Rivers Cross Country Cycling Road.
As cycling becomes increasingly popular as a weekend sport in Korea, more and more bike lanes are being built across the country.
The most remarkable ones, I think, must be the Four Rivers Cross Country Cycling Road.               
These amazing bike paths actually connect the entire country.
As the name suggests, they are constructed near the four major rivers of Han River, Nakdong River, Geum River and Yeongsan River.
If you combine the entire length of these roads, it’s a staggering 1,757 kilometers.

So, if you have the willpower and courage, and of course, a decent bike, you can cycle across Korea and enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

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