
2013년 7월 24일 수요일

7/23 Pay-as-you-throwFood Waste Management System

Did you know that as much as 14 percent of food in Korea is wasted?

In real terms, if you bought seven rolls of gimbap, one of them would turn into food waste.
* turn into: ~이 되다, ~로 변하다
ex> The party turned into a nightmare.
* in real terms: 실질적으로 보면

In an effort to reduce food waste, the pay-as-you-throw food waste management system has gone into effect nationwide.
* go into effect: 실시되다
ex> Martial law has gone into effect for more than a week.
* in an effort to: ~해 보려는 노력으로

You will be charged for the exact amount of food waste you throw away.
* charge: 청구하다
ex> They only charged me for one burger but I got three.

When you dispose of food waste, you have to use food waste bags.
* dispose of: ~을 처리하다, 없애다
ex> Please do not dispose of cigarette butts on the ground.

Some neighborhoods have food waste bins that weigh food waste.
* weight: 무게를 달다
ex> How much do you weigh?

Don’t be a litterbug! 쓰레기를 함부로버리지 마!

1. You can get a discount as much as 50 percent.
2. She turned pumpkin into a golden carriage. 
3. I think you charged me 20,000 won more.
4. Do you know where I can weigh my car? 

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