
2013년 7월 18일 목요일

PE 7/17 Cooking Surprise

I don't think your mother cares for my cooking.
* care for: 좋아하다
ex> Would you care for a drink to celebrate your birthday?

I'll have to agree with you. Don't fly off the handle, but I don't think my father likes either...
* fly off the handle: 갑자기 화를 내다
ex> Calm down. There's no need to fly off the handle.

What! But he had three helpings!
* helping: (식사 때 한 사람 몫으로 덜어주는 음식의) 양, 그릇
ex> We all had a second helping of pie.

I know, I know, but a little thing like taste has never stopped my father from eating. He strongly believes that you need to eat what's put before you.
* a little thing like: ~같이 사소한 것
ex> Please don't let a little thing like money make you give up your dream!

You like my cooking don't you honey? You haven't just been putting on a false front all these years have you?
* put on a false front: 가식적으로 행동하다, 허세를 부리다
ex> Do you think he is putting on a false front so we won't worry?

Of course I do! (sotto voice)  There's nothing a little ketchup can't fix!
* There's nothing a little ~ can't fix: 약간의 ~으로 해결할 수 없는 것은 없다, ~만 약간 있으면 모든 게 문제 없다
ex> So you've gained 5kg - big deal! There's nothing a little exercise can't fix.

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