
2013년 7월 5일 금요일

PE 7/4 Pro Sports

No can do! We're going to the Rodin Gallery to see one of the original Thinker statues.
* NO can do!: 안 돼!
ex> You want me to work on Sunday? No can do, Boss - I have a hot date.

For Pete's sake! You promised we would see at least one of Philadelphia's pro sports teams play while we are here.
* for Pete's sake: 제발, 이런
ex> My car won't start again! For Pete's sake, how am I going to get to work on time?
ex> For Pete's sake, what are you doing in that bathroom? You've been in there for nearly an hour.

I do, but the Sixers suck this year.
* suck: (slang) 형편없다
ex> Their new CD sucks.

If I can get tickets for the Eagles game on Sunday, then we've dodged a bullet!
* dodge a bullet: 위기를 모면하다, 가까스로 살아남다 (to have a narrow escape; to avoid injury or disaster)
ex> Our funding was renewed! I feel like we've dodged a bullet.

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