
2013년 7월 1일 월요일

PE 6/28 The Modern Professor

1. on pins and needles: 조마조마한, 초조한
ex> I was on pins and needles during the whole dinner with your father.
ex> He was on pins and needles while he waited for me to tell him if I wanted to marry him.

2. work one's butt off: 뼈 빠지게 일하다, 힘겹게 일하다
ex> During the summers when I was in college, I had to work my butt off to earn my tuition money.

3. make ends meet: 겨우 벌엉 살다, 겨우 먹고 살 만큼 벌다
ex> Even people with good salaries are having a hard time making ends meet these days.

* non-tenure: 종신 재직권이 없는  ex> It's still extremely difficult to get tenure.
* contingent [kən|tɪndƷənt] : 임시의, 조건부의
* faculty: 교수진

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