
2013년 7월 16일 화요일

7/15 Chicken and Beer

Chicken and beer is undoubtedly a winning combo in Korea.
* undoubtedly: 틀림없이, 의심할 여지 없이 = without a doubt
ex> This vacation is undoubtedly the best I’ve ever had.
* winning: 매력적인, 마음을 끄는

There is a large and loyal following of chicken lovers.
* following: 팬, 신봉자, 숭배자
ex> The author has a large following of fans in China.

What’s better than a cold draft to accompany delicious chicken?
* accompany: 동행하다, 동반하다
ex> Are you going to accompany your parents to the wedding?
* cold draft: 차가운 생맥주

The streets are littered with soccer enthusiasts downing chicken and beer.
* be littered with: ~로 가득하다, 흩뜨리다
ex> During the parade,the streets were littered with parents and children.
ex> My room is littered with toys
* down: 급히 먹다, 마시다
ex> We downed our coffees and left.

Chicken franchises in Korea all have their own take on the dish.
* one's own take on: ~에 대한 자신만의 방식, 의견, 해석
ex> She has her own take on why they broke up.
ex> What's his take on the plan? 
ex> a new take on the Romeo and Juliet story

Summer is the ideal time to enjoy it.
* ideal: 이상적인, 최선의
ex> This is an ideal place to have a party.

Stop pigging out! 너무 많이 먹지 마!
ex> I was so thirsty after playing badminton, I pigged out on watermelon last night. 

1. He is undoubtedly the best looking man I know. 
2. We don't have a following fans.
3. She will accompany him to the dinner party. 
4. She is my ideal woman.

Talk about chicken and beer.
Chicken and beer is undoubtedly a winning combo in Korea.
There is a large and loyal following of chicken lovers.
Whether it’s at a ballgame, with family, or a night out, the dish has universal appeal.
Beer is the favored partner to any chicken dish.
What’s better than a cold draft to accompany delicious chicken?
This combo is enjoyed at restaurants and via home delivery.
During big events like the World Cup, it’s a boom time.
The streets are littered with soccer enthusiasts downing chicken and beer.
Chicken franchises in Korea all have their own take on the dish.
Summer is the ideal time to enjoy it.

The night breeze and outside seating make it all the more fun.

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