
2013년 7월 12일 금요일

7/11 Firefighters

Firefighters are unsung heroes of society.
* unsung hero: 이름 없는 영웅
ex> Stay-at-home mothers are unsung heroes.
ex> The veterans were unsung heroes of our modern democracy.

They risk their lives for our safety and protection daily.
* risk one's life: ~의 목숨을 걸다
ex> Are you going to risk your life for your own gain?

The job also requires significant commitment.
* commitment: 헌신, 약속, 전념
ex> I’ve made a commitment to my family.

They build relationships with each other.
* build relationships: 유대감을 형성하다, 관계를 쌓다ㅏ
ex> You must build relationships with your co-workers for success.

The schedule of a firefighter is very grueling.
* grueling [ɡrú:əliŋ: 힘든, 기진맥진하게 하는
ex> My old work was very boring and grueling.
ex> His influence is growing, thanks to his grueling work schedule.

Fire services are around the clock and duties are broad.
* around the clock: 24시간 내내
* duty: 임무
ex> What kind of duties do you have at the company?

Don’t be so hard on yourself. 너무 자책하지마.

1. Did they risk their lives to save their sisters?
2. He has commitment issues. 
3. The hike to the top of the mountain was grueling. . 
4. Your duties include calling clients and updating the main office. 

Talk about firefighters, our unsung heroes.
Firefighters are unsung heroes of society.
They risk their lives for our safety and protection daily.
Becoming a firefighter is very competitive.
The job also requires significant commitment.
A firefighter career is challenging yet rewarding.
Firefighters are members of crews that live in close quarters.
While living at the firehouse, they train, cook, and clean together.
They build relationships with each other.
The schedule of a firefighter is very grueling.
shift usually lasts for 24 hours.
Fire services are around the clock and duties are broad.

Not only do they respond to fires, but they also answer emergency medical calls and hold education programs.

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