
2013년 7월 20일 토요일

PE 7/19 Staying Single

Dr. Alan Teo found that people with unsupportive spouses were significantly more likely to be depressed than people who were not in a steady, marriage-like relationship.
* unsupportive: 비우호적인

"It's basically quality over quantity."
* quality over quantity: 양보다 질
ex> I prefer quality over quantity except when it comes to sleep.

The results were as clear as day for those with unsupportive spouses.
* as clear as day: 명명백백한, 일목요연한
ex> After the meeting, everything was as clear as day.
ex> This is a fact as clear as day.
cf> clear as mud: 전혀 분명하지 않은  ex> Oh well, that's all as clear as mud, then.

So is it better not to tie the knot? That depends on whether your partner is rooting for you or not.
ex> Good luck - I'm rooting for you!
ex> My father and I root for different sports teams because it is more fun that way.

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