
2013년 7월 20일 토요일

7/19 Banknotes

Day in, day out, we use our banknotes.
* day in, day out: 매일매일, 하루도 빠짐없이
ex> The new guy complains about everything day in, day out.
ex> I drive to work day in, day out, and I'm getting tired of spending so much time travelling.

Currently, there are four banknotes in circulation.
* in circulation: 현재 쓰이고 있는, 유통되고 있는
ex> Do you know how much counterfeit money is in circulation?

Let’s start from the smallest denomination.
* denomination: 화폐 단위, 액면가
ex> What denomination would you like?
ex> Korean banknotes are issued in four denominations.

The 1,000 banknote features Yi Hwang, one of the most prominent Confucian scholars.
* feature: 출연하다, 그려져 있다, 실려있다
ex> The film features Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man.

Who is the other most distinguished scholar?
* distinguished: 저명한, 유명한
ex> It was written by a distinguished journalist.

King Sejong the Great is one of only two kings who earned the title “the Great.”
ex> How much does he earn every year?
ex> You have to earn your respect first.

I’m finding my keys. (X) / I’m looking for my keys. (O) 나는 열쇠를 찾고 있어.

1. Day in, day out, he waters his pots.
2. How much Korean currency is in circulation?
3. The new 5 pound bill features Winston Churchill.
4. His stamina earn him the nickname,  'Three-lung Park'.

Who is on our banknotes?
Day in, day out, we use our banknotes.
But how well do you know about the historical characters on our banknotes?
Currently, there are four banknotes in circulation.
Let’s start from the smallest denomination.
The 1,000 banknote features Yi Hwang, one of the two most prominent Confucian scholars of the Joseon Dynasty.
Who is the other most distinguished scholar then?
His name is Yi I,and his portrait is on the 5,000 note.
King Sejong the Great, one of only two kings in Korean history who earned the title “the Great,” features on our 10,000 note.
Shin Saimdang is the face of the 50,000 note.
She was a calligraphist, writer and the mother of Yi I.

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